Is it Food Sensitivity, Allergy or Intolerance?

The terms "food allergy", "food intolerance "and "food sensitivity" are often used interchangeably, but there are actually different.
Food intolerance, like in lactose intolerance is when the body is missing and enzyme (ie. lactase) to digest certain food (ie. lactose). It is a non immune mediated reaction.
In food sensitivity or allergy there is an immune reaction against a component of a certain food and this would involve the activation of the immune system where IgE or IgG antibodies would be produced.
When IgE is produced is called "allergy" and is a type I hypersensitivity, which is immediate. In this case symptoms range from rashes and sneezing to anaphylactic shock.
When Ig G is produces is called "sensitivity" and this is a type III hypersensitivity which has delayed onset of symptoms.
TYPE III HYPERSENSITIVITY - IgG mediated allergy - food sensitivity - delayed hypersensitivity.
In food sensitivity IgG is gradually produced, forming complexes which deposit in the tissue producing chronic inflammation. For this reason the symptoms are "delayed". Symptoms could appear between hours to days after ingestion of the food.
Some of the symptoms that food sensitivity can produce are: bowel problems (gas, bloating, diarrhea), headaches, migraines, fatigue, high blood pressure, eczema, asthma, joint pain, pain in general, and weight problems.
Blood testing is available for food sensitivity. Once the harming foods are determined treatment is based on a personalized elimination diet and a re introduction plan.
Studies have shown that patients who successfully removed harming foods from their diet, saw improvement in some of their symptoms (