Change of Season Soup
When seasons change, and temperature gets colder, the body uses all its resources to adapt to this changes, this makes us prone to catch...

My Migraine Story
I've had headaches since I can remember. My parents took me to many different doctors, since I was a child, I saw Neurologist (several of...

My Migraine Story
I've had headaches since I can remember. My parents took me to many different doctors, since I was a child, I saw Neurologist (several of...

CARBS! Good or bad?
Carbohydrates, are they all bad for you? Carbohydrates, also know as sugars are substances made of Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen. They are...

Bone Broth and its benefits
This would be a great idea to prepare now that is winter and that the respiratory and stomach viruses are every where, it would help...

STOP! smoking
Is well known that smoking affects the lungs and heart and puts people at greater risk for heart attacks and stroke, lung cancer (as...

7 Tips to help you eat Slowly
Modern life is fast paced, we have due dates that we need to meet and chores that need to be done by the end of the day. We drive through...

Hangover! 6 natural ways to deal with it.
Planning on having some drinks tonight? After a night of friends and drinks, some people get nauseated, present headaches, dizziness, and...

Coconut oil for a better smile :)
Coconut oil is know for his many benefits, but did you know that it could be use to improve your dental health? His anti-bacterial...

What's for Dessert? YUM!
Are you always craving for something sweet? Here is an option that will indulge your cravings, and is loaded with antioxidants, fiber and...